About Us
Gunes Nursery
As Güneş Nursery we continue to work based on the knowledge and experience of 30 years in walnut sapling sector. Our company is growing and improving more and more every day. Our aim is to offer our customers the best and always the quality together with customer satisfaction.
As Güneş Nursery we are proud to offer the best quality for the most affordable price by continuing our commitment with customer satisfaction. The production of our walnut saplings is done correctly as standard (yellow) and certified (blue). We can guarantee it very comfortably with contracts that we have made and we will make. We make sales with cargo delivery to every address in Turkey.
We have sales abroad as much as in the domestic market. The countries we make export are Spain, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Apart from these, our negotiations continue in different countries. In the 2018-2019 season, we will start working in different countries. Our goal is to share our success with the world market that we have provided in our country market and to increase our company's share in the market with our international collaborations.
Our name means our security. As Güneş Nursery, we wish all customers to get plenty of products from their gardens...